In typical Manning fashion, if we have five minutes of free time, we'll fill it with 10 minutes of activities. We went into this weekend with very little planned and we were really looking forward to some family time sans outside obligations. What to do with all of our "found" time? Hit the aquarium on Saturday (insanity!) and go to a Braves game on Sunday (freakin' HOT! much for the "cooling" thunderstorms that caused a rain delay.)
We had a really good time. Can't wait for our next "lazy" weekend.
(Note, these aren't in order. Second note, I'm currently experimenting with way too many things at once on the camera so many of these aren't really great but they are the best captures I have to document the weekend. I think this is like when you try out a new golf swing. You sudddenly suck at golf for a few weeks, with the hope that it will become natural and you'll go pro at the end of all of the painful shots.)