How am I supposed to be a baby hog when Mother Nature gives me a cough the week before our new nephew arrives? At least when I finally got to go to the NICU, I was the only visitor and didn't have to elbow Wes out of the way. So it took a little extra time, but here are some photos of Baby Joshua at 10 days old.
He's super cool.
It's hard to see a little one with so many lines tethered to him, but he seems to be taking it all in stride. Mom Kristi is a pro at moving him around the room and not getting tangled up.
Who isn't a sucker for cute little baby toes?
I'm pretty sure Joshua's gotten most of his rockstar-ness from his Mom and Dad. What an amazing and strong family. We can't wait to see Joshua grow and give his cousins a run for their money -- clearly he's already gaining some major street cred.