Yesterday was nice. Really nice. After coming off a show out in San Jose, which involved lots of travel, little sleep, and the resurrection of a not-so-fun back injury, all over the space of two weeks, I managed to fit in a nap (a nap!), lunch on a patio with my most favorite husband, a pedicure and baby cuddles. So that you don't completely vomit, I also fit in a couple of hours of work, paying bills and unpacking. And I got to follow that up with clipping no fewer than 60 finger- and toenails. Parents-to-be be warned: no one tells you about how often you'll have to trim grimy nails on sticky appendages attached to squirmy children. No one.
So, onto playing catchup on photos. Not that we have to worry about being tempted again, but our visit to the Yellow Daisy Festival was not the best idea we've (I've) ever had. After sitting in traffic for more than an hour (no lie), we dropped at least $40 in the children's area just to make ourselves feel like the time spent trying to get there wasn't a complete waste of our weekend. Solid reasoning, I think.
Michael created quite the scene, dressed in his Halloween costume and painted with Batman's mask. At least if he wandered off, we were relatively sure we could find him again quickly.
This was one of those quiet moments smack dab in the middle of the normal chaos of making dinner, unpacking school bags, sorting through mail and the regular weekday madness. Kairos.
Near the top of our Georgia bucket list was taking the older kids to a Georgia game. I, myself, hadn't seen the inside of the stadium since I was eight months along with El. We had an awesome time -- and even better because we could share it with old friends.
The photo credit for this one goes to Elizabeth.
By contrast, you can see the reaction I got when I tried to get a photo of Michael.
Well, four of the five were cooperating. Not too bad.
We blend right in with the grad students, right? This photo was missing one very important lady: Meggles herself. <3
My Georgia girl.
Watching the Dawg Walk and listening to the band.
Go Dawgs!
Michael celebrated a very momentous birthday recently. We all cried tears of joy as we said 'good-bye!' to age three. The big boy, himself, greeted me after school yesterday with a "Hi Mommy! I don't get in time outs AT ALL anymore at school now!" Halleluiah. Halleluiah.
Gran and Gramps were on-hand to help with the celebration. Henry was wondering exactly when he'd be getting a piece of that pirate ship cake, I think.
We like to joke about what a pain in the @ss the past year...or two..have been with Michael, but seriously, I cannot imagine our lives without him. He calls it like it is, revels in the simple things, is quick to laugh, gives the best squishy hugs around, collects sticks as though they were solid gold, and is full of curiosity. He's also grumpy, particular, stubborn and can rack up more time outs in one hour than any child I've ever known. I don't for a minute forget that one day, this little boy will tower over me and so I'm savoring every time I can pick him up and tell him just how cool he is.
Oh the places he will go. I can't wait to see.