Ah, more activities revolving around beer and cake.
Granny is in town for a visit, so we had the pleasure of a double-header birthday celebration for both her and Mamaw Friday night. This family puts a lot of effort into picking the most inappropriately hilarious cards.
The menfolk left the cards and giggling to the ladies' table while they watched some of the Open coverage.
Old enough to begin understanding some of the jokes...not quite sure if it's okay for his grandmother to be laughing at them, though!
This Father's Day began like they usually do in our house. Dad got to sleep in, woke up refreshed and was told he wasn't allowed to leave his room because we weren't ready yet! Eventually, we got it together.
A nice, relaxing time to enjoy breakfast in bed. LOL
Too bad Henry ate the majority of Dad's breakfast.
You don't want that last piece, do you Dad?
After breakfast was cleaned up, we caravaned out to the ball park where we chugged water to stave off heat stroke and continuously applied sunscreen for a few hours.
Next year, we've decided to move this tradition to a Sunday in April.
It was h-o-t. Don't we all look good?
Molly was inside enjoying what passed for air conditioning -- don't blame her a bit!
Hope you had a great Father's Day, hon!
Love, your stinky sweaty wife and kids who adore you. xoxo