By a stroke of dumb luck, Michael's birthday falls just after the September 1 cut-off date for school, so we never had to enter into the dreaded Kindergarten Red-Shirting debate. It has another side benefit, too: Being the first kid in class to celebrate your birthday means no comparing what your mom did (or didn't) do for your classmates with Susie or Joe who had a birthday last month. Phew.
While I fell down on the classroom celebration -- they don't allow baked goods in class anymore, so I'm telling myself that giving out a bunch of pencils won't exactly be missed -- we did have a really good time celebrating a little early on Saturday with family.
Of course, me feeling weepy about yet another birthday milestone passing, I had to go look up old posts for Michael's birthdays. When I started this photoblog adventure in 2010, I did not one but two second birthday posts. (Clearly, back then, I was a better mommy who covered both the home and classroom parties.)
If you're not immediately bored with Memory Lane, here's when he turned three, four and five. Geeze, I even managed to do a school party last year, too.
I'll do better for age seven.
Promise, dude.
This year's cake creation required six layers of cake. Thankfully, Michael was excited to help with all of the prep work.
In the morning, we had a soccer game. Due to all of the crazy prep going on at our house -- not just for Michael's birthday but also for a lemonade and cookies fundraiser the kids were doing the next day -- Ella, Henry and I were 15 minutes late to the game. Right when we arrived, Wes told me I missed Michael scoring two goals.
I could have cried.
But then he scored two more. Not that I managed to grab photos of either goal, but I got to be there which is even better.
Yes, it was a dead calm 102 degrees at last Saturday's game. And a downright windy 59 degrees at this one.
After the Minion's triumph over the Raiders, we all headed out to a hearty lunch.
Then back to the house for cake! Before dinner! It was so exciting.
These photos were taken before the four-layer mushroom top began to slowly slide and crush the two-layer mushroom stem. I have much respect for you real cake decorators out there.
"Yay! Bu-day!"
Onward to our next adventure -- Medieval Times!
Following the great advice of a friend, we doled out the extra $20 to have Michael knighted. It was worth five times that. He is convinced he now has the authority to knight other people and animals and he could not be prouder.
I trust the 45-year old man we saw also being knighted had a similarly awesome experience.
The Blue Knight kissed then tossed a carnation to Ella. I think she swooned a little. (P.S., don't tell her it isn't a rose.)
As soon as we got home, the big kids made a bee line for the stack of presents Michael opened earlier in the day. Those LEGO boxes didn't stand a chance.
It was a really good day.
Happy birthday to our birthday boy (for real today)! We love you more than words, images and squishy hugs could ever convey.