My Facebook feed has been chock full of adorable faces sporting backpacks on their shoulders this week. It's incredible to think summer is so close to being over for us here in Texas as well. The weeks have been fun and fleeting -- we'll be squeezing as much as we can out of our remaining three weeks of later bedtimes, not packing weekday lunches, no homework and not dealing with a mountain of school papers that seem to multiply as they escape from the kids' folders.
Aunt Molly held a tablet drawing lesson and I'm not sure that even a plate of chocolate cake would have distracted them.
One drawback to watching July 4th fireworks from a floating dock deck is not being able to set a timer to capture the actual fireworks. Maybe next year I can convince everyone to watch from dry land.
Maybe. (Note the 15-year old Snap-Chatting her burning sparkler in the foreground. We know Ella is right behind her!)
Biscuits and Gravy Morning is serious business.
The collegiate flags are now flying over Pokagon. Go Dawgs and Hoosiers!
Stretched out, Henry finally outgrew his toddler bed so we made a trip to the furniture store and came home with a new big boy bed for him. I only cried a little (a lot.)
Aunt Kristi's having a baby girl!! We are just a little bit (crazy) excited to meet her.
More lake!
Some things never get old.
The tube never even made it into the water this past weekend -- it was knee-boarding and wake-boarding all the way.
Ella managed a 360 on her second time ever riding on the knee board. Show-off that she is.
Nana and Rocket celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary this past weekend. xoxo 46 years!
Henry doesn't really understand why you would have a cake without candles. And we had no solid, candles.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!