While I've clearly given up on monthly posts -- and laugh at myself remembering I used to manage weekly ones -- I'm fully committed to seasonal posts. And hey, this is number two for Spring alone! I'm winning.
The Cardinals take warming up very seriously.
Third is officially the High-Five Base in 5U ball.
Playing the actual game? Eh, not always so serious.
The Minions finished up another great season! At this age, there are no trophies for teams that don't finish 1st or 2nd, but thankfully, Michael hasn't noticed yet. Please enjoy his retro jersey (it was clean!) and inside-out socks (no annoying seams rubbing in his shoes!)
These boys keep a close eye on each other, playing a heated game of Dawgopoly.
Rise and shine!
Henry was excited to be the first player to show up.
Ella played in a Spring tournament with her Fever team.
There was a decent fence between the soccer field and the inmates taking air at the minimum security prison next door, so that was comforting.
Easter! Time to find what the Bunny hid at the farm.
Okay Wes is right. Not the best haircut Henry's ever gotten. But that smile!
It was a good thing this photo turned out. While setting it up, I dropped a wooden board on my pinkie toe.
Henry asked, "Mommy, why are you blooding?"
Nobody believes they're sisters. *cough*
Easter + celebrating three birthdays calls for cake + cupcakes, of course.
Happiness is...sitting, chatting and passing the day sitting on the porch at the farm. Pairing it with a slice of cake just makes it obnoxiously good.
Calling the cows over for treat time.
It started off a little tense, but we got a loving sibling portrait in the end.
Then the kids declared the tree swing seat needed to be replaced.
Rocket picked up the board that annihilated my toe and headed for the wood shop.
Prest-o, change-o, a new swing seat was born in less than 8 minutes.
It works!
Poppa and Gigi came to visit!! And were total troopers. Henry's 8 a.m. T-ball game was freezing. And windy. Not a bueno combination.
The big kids pretend it's embarrassing when twelve people show up to cheer for them.
But Henry basks in the limelight, waving to his many (frozen) fans as he runs the T-ball bases.
We followed up T-ball with a (freezing) soccer game, sorry no photos...my fingers wouldn't bend...then on to Michael's flag football game.
This is where I admit the embarrassing mom/photographer truth that my camera was stuck in a manual focus mode for the whole weekend that Poppa and Gigi visited. Any photos that are in focus were purely lucky ones. :( Good thing the season isn't over and we get to hang with the Mannings again in June!
Poppa held catching practice and LEGO building play-times with the kiddos.
Hibachi for dinner! The kids' pick, of course. (Pardon Ella's blurry face.)
Sunday evening, Ella and her team played a heck of a game.
Here she is, advancing one (of three!) goals up the field.
It's hard to see, but the ball is going right past the post, avoiding both defenders and the keeper, on it's way to the net. Gooooaaaaaaallllll!
Yes we are obnoxious parents. (She also had two assists.) Like, really obnoxious.
Heading out for some hard-earned ice cream.