We're all about adding family traditions -- especially if they involve getting to spend some down time with our most favorite people. We're already starting a countdown to next June.
Ah, the good ol' fashioned family road trip.
With lots of bridges.
Toward dusk, the kids began to spy water. The noise level increased exponentially inside the car.
While the Florida weather didn't want to cooperate for our whole trip, we were lucky to have a great hotel pool complex with lots of activities for the kids to enjoy, rain or shine. In this photo, baby Jen had just enjoyed a (watermelon?) treat!
And because I know some of you are probably thinking it, I didn't use "Iris Enhance" even a smidge on this little beauty. Her eyes, not unlike her mama's and her brother's, are just crystal clear and gorgeous.
Half-price pool-side smoothies = yes.
These two were inseparable.
Training for early retirement.
Boy vs. Ocean
These three. <3
Jen had the right plan for beach time.
When dinner service is taking a little while, Uncle Wes entertains with dock views.
When the beach day was a complete wash-out...we headed to the (super-overcrowded) skating rink and arcade.
Michael is working on his short game.
Shish-ke-bab Duty
Rosy Cheeks
Gigi Time
Bingo! We won. Twice.
More rosy cheeks.
After taking family photos during the wait for our table, I'd say our group was super gracious in agreeing to a Pineapple Willy's shot. Sunburnt, tired and hungry...this turned out pretty well!
Sun! Beach!
(Double Red Flag Day...shhhh.)
It would be so much cooler if I captured the water gun Henry was weilding in this shot.
Trump hair, what? This girlie makes it look good.
Kite success!
Is there a name for how things along a coast look much closer to you than they actually are?
We thought it would take us 20 minutes to walk down to the break-water and back...it only took about three times that long.
While technically a terrible photo, this one really cracks me up. Jen looks like she's posing for a magazine shot and Henry is so dang tickled with himself.
We'll take what we can get in order to get these five into one frame! Love having them altogether.