Time flies when you're...well, whatever, time just flies. Here we are in mid-January and I thought it might be a good time to finish up posting some of our favorites from October, November and December. So I can start stressing about keeping up on 2018 posts, of course. ;)
No. 16 always has a loud cheering section.
This fall, Henry got to try out playing catcher a couple of times. He didn't catch a whole lot, but the extra accessories were a hit.
Happy birthday, Dad.
Oh here we go. Time for the annual family photo shoot.
Happy Halloween! From our mime, her friend the Frappucino, Indiana Jones and his friend the Grim Reaper, and of course, Iron Man (who decided he didn't like the light-up mask and gloves he HAD to have.)
Supporting Kate at the Annual JDRF Fundraising Walk
Wes had a short-lived, but fun to watch, soccer coaching job for the Hurricanes. With a 1-1-0 record, he declared he's officially ready to retire.
Henry turned SIX! It was his turn for a party with friends, so we headed to Main Event for some arcade-time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake and pizza. Smiles all around.
They're young enough to think raking is fun. Well, it probably is when you get to jump in them and throw them in the air instead of stuffing them into lawn bags.
Gigi and Poppa came for a visit! Good sport that he is and much to the boys' delight, Poppa got more than one lesson on Wii games.
That same weekend we celebrated Hank's birthday, along with the rest of our winter birthday family peeps.
Drew is 15! Fif-teen...*sigh*
Ella insisted on lighting the candles for our six special winter birthday honorees.
The leaf pile got bigger!
Favorite meal of the year. Hands down.
I'm working on how to convince Nana to do this bi-annually. Quarter-annually. Monthly? There must be a way.
Lake! It's a short weekend after Thanksgiving, but we wouldn't miss the chance to escape the city.
Back home after the lake, we ran happily into full-on Christmas-mode. This year, we took a carriage ride around Town Square after the kids put in their top requests to the man with the beard. (New soccer cleats, a blue elephant and Wonder Woman. Check!)
There's no more magical place to fall asleep than in front of the Christmas tree.
Ella turned 12! And had a couple of friends over for a sleepover. With the Pie Face game. Which, of course, the boys had to try out, too.
Brisket lives for 8 p.m. every night.
Christmas morning dance!
After exploring the stockings that Santa stuffed, the kids got to open one joint present. Which led to a bit of a scavenger hunt.
Twelve clues later (thank you Internet!), the kids got their golden tickets to a Disney cruise. (Which we'll take in a super short 11 months. LOL.)
The 2017 edition of Christmas Pickles may be a real collector's prize. I'm thinking we'll change things up for 2018.
The week after Christmas was filled with fishing, poker, more birthday cake, fires, cuddles and maybe a few work emails (not pictured).
When the air is a heck of a lot colder than the lake water.
Happy New Year!!! Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018!!