This summer’s beach trip was a long time coming. It was two years ago the last time we sunk our toes in sand, and it was over a year ago that we last saw the Foldens. After months spent largely at home, I was kind of giddy as we pulled out of the driveway on an actual road trip.
That lasted at least two minutes until the kids started arguing about something.
Eight hours later, we pulled into New Orleans and checked into our hotel. The kids made themselves at home within minutes.
I can’t remember 100%, but I’m pretty sure I paid for this photo with an extra snack of some kind.
Henry loved his little pull-out bed and made sure Knit Bear fit okay and was comfortable, too.
Wes decided to break a toe the day before we left and somehow managed to walk blocks and blocks as we explored the city.
Nearly everything was shut down but walking tours were still an option so we signed up for a 5-in-1 ghosts, vampires, legends, something and something else tour after dinner. We enjoyed the first half and skipped the second, being the crazy night owls we are.
Ella thought she was really clever, putting her paper fan in front of her face while she took some fresh breaths without her mask on.
We’ve never seen NOLA so empty.
For our only full day in the city, we hit up Cafe du Monde for breakfast (a bit of a fail with the kids, but Wes and I loved it, plus it was the only place we got to hear some live Jazz) and then we rode the St. Charles trolley car line through the Garden District.
First, Henry got a little talking to. He was having some trouble keeping his (social) distance from others while hop-scotching around the town.
The St. Charles line is the oldest continuously operating street railway in the world. And it runs by some really pretty homes.
Maxing out at 25% capacity, we wandered around The National WWII Museum and enjoyed their air conditioning. It’s an incredibly well-done museum—highly recommend it!
On the far right…one of my proudest moments as a mom. Our children took a seat in front of a few sections of artillery-blasted concrete walls that the Germans built on the beaches of Normandy. Aren’t they in awe? Henry’s admiring the LEGO set he had to have, Ella is catching up on Snapchat, and Michael is snacking.
I guess this is the carefree childhood that was so bravely fought for our children to experience.
That night, we headed to dinner outside of the French Quarter and had the most amazing meal at Copper Vine.
Five stars. No, six. Eight.
Ella was very brave and tried an olive. I don’t believe she liked it.
Saturday morning, we headed over to Gulf Shores.
On the way, we blindly trusted Waze and were thankful for its advice which routed us through Bayou Le Batre, Alabama (“Hey Bubba!”) and onto the ferry to Fort Morgan. We cut out miles and miles of gridlocked traffic on I-10 and enjoyed a new view on the final stretch to the beach.
Sitting in our car, floating across part of the Gulf (weird sensation!), the kids got an education on oil rigs and where much of the gas comes from that we put in our cars each week. No doubt, it was the highlight of their day.
After an epic arrival-day grocery run, Ella and I joined everyone down at the beach where Henry was busy pouring water into the ocean.
And where Miss Jen found a feather and showed me her silly and serious faces.
So many crabs to catch. So few nights to get ‘em.
Time to go tuck in for the night.
In the morning, I learned that packing a bucket with sand is serious business. No time for Aunt Anne to take pictures.
It’s a joy to see Joshua in his happy place.
Mornings at the beach.
When the waves were calm, there was a lot of Frisbee going on.
Jake!—the sleeper star of the week—a two-year old Basset Hound that stole all of our hearts, especially Josh’s.
Jennifer has a superpower. She’s literally the only person in the world who can wear Michael out.
These three shared a room for the week and I had to keep poking my head in to see what all of the giggling was about.
Family picture night was a race against the setting sun but we did it. Check, check!
This little girl used to fit a little easier in my arms but she still let me swing her around.
Adorable goofballs.
The week always passes by too quickly. xoxo