It's here. It's begun. The official holiday season, 2010 edition.
I behaved myself and didn't decorate the house until Friday. First, we took the kids to see Tangled which was Michael's first movie. Ella - a veteran movie-goer; this was her second - declared she doesn't like movies with bad guys in them anymore. Personally, I thought it was cute.
We spent the rest of the weekend eating Thanksgiving leftovers for breakfast as well as shopping, wrapping and spreading general holiday cheer. I bet we sung Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer at least 40 times. Hey, it kept the kids awake for the hour-long ride home from the outlets while Wes was in Athens for the game. And mommy NEEDED those kids to nap when we got home.
"Vroooom" went the bus on Thanksgiving morning.
It's a good thing someone knew how to carve a turkey.
As I was quite the slacker about taking photos on Thanksgiving, I grabbed the kids and the camera for a few minutes tonight. They were very excited about their fleece-fabulous finds from Old Navy that we picked up today. I believe Michael is wearing his mittens to bed as I type this.