Santa the Claus!

Two major events have already taken place this week.  First, Ella's gorgeous purple-and-green-striped hand-knit socks arrived from Nana.  Apparently they also work well as mittens - perfectly complemented by a bath towel-cape, of course.

Second, we took the kids to visit Santa today.  Yes, they were heavily coached on what to ask for and yes, they complied.  Good thing since the gifts were ordered a week ago.  Also a good thing they can't read the blog yet. 

Ella was so excited - this year, she wrote out her wish list all by herself before seeing 'the big guy.'

Michael, however, was not convinced this was going to be a fun experience.  He did some inital surveying of the situation.

Despite careful counsel from his father, Michael remained to be convinced.

Ella sat up there and talked to Santa like he was a long-lost friend.  Based on the four prior years, we were just excited she didn't explode in tears. 

Note Michael's absence.  The one professional shot that was taken includes Michael screaming in tears (taking up his sister's tradition) while Ella sits there and smiles sweetly.   Can't wait to share that one when it arrives.


Enjoying their Santa spoils.  Still no smiles from Michael; he was still recovering a bit.