Still suffering a bit from jet lag and refusing to completely buy in to the whole "back to reality" thing this week. We arrived late Monday night and enjoyed taking yesterday to catch up with Nana and Rocket, kiss and hug the kids - a LOT, and start figuring where we left off on things like paying the phone bill, getting the kids enrolled for summer camp and finding clean socks.
In short, the trip was amazing and it's hard to know where to start recounting what we saw, what we learned, what made us laugh and what made us realize each day how incredibly lucky we are. It will take me a while to get through all 1600 photos (promise not to post them all!) and I'll do it one stop at a time. Hopefully I'll get the Amalfi Coast posted before this weekend.
In the meantime, here's one shot taken from my iPhone as we boarded our final vaporetto, heading to Marco Polo airport on Monday morning.
However wonderful the past two weeks may have's so good to be home.