So this week, I've decided to add insult (to injury) and try shooting in manual mode. Not going to say I haven't switched back to old 'Av' when the kids were just moving too fast, but so far, I'm trying to hang in there. I'm told this is how I'll really learn more about the 'how' and 'why' of photos and I'm looking forward to that boon of knowledge falling on my head. Any day now. :) Meanwhile, I'm enjoying a delicious Layer Cake Malbec.
I'm only doing one post for this weekend, so there's a few more this time than usual...
More sprinkle time. Dang it's been hot here.
We visited the Osterloh's new home and took a dip in their community pool. Kids had so much fun and slept the whole way home!
After dinner, Michael is often "sans shirt."
Oops! A little out of order. Back at the Osterloh's new neighborhood. Michael loved the fountains.
Tonight, I got lots of practice taking pictures of little persons riding on my back. They thought it was hysterical.
In response to those who say I'm absent from this photoblog...viola...courtsey of Ella tonight. :)
And this photo reminds me of the funniest thing Ella said tonight. As she and Michael were chasng each other around the house while we were making dinner, Ella ran and clung to my leg with all of her strength. Michael closed in behind her, and she said, "Mommy. HELP ME. I have a 'Michael' issue."