Tomorrow, we head to the beach. Which means tonight, I should be finishing packing and getting to bed early. Should be.
Instead, I wanted to post a few pics before I fill up the blog next week with visions of sand and sun.
At times, today was a trying day in the life of our two-year-old. Here he is accepting one of the day's lessons.
After lunch, Ella and I headed up to see the Cuestas for a quick visit while their trip to Atlanta overlapped with us still being in town. So great to see them - and to meet baby Gabrielle! Little Julia was too quick for me. :)
Loved the girls' matching outfits.
I've been promising a preview of Pigeon's nursery for a little while. Now that the kids' rooms are switched around and Paintmaggedon 2011 is finished (AMEN), I can share the work-in-progress. Soon, I'll try to get the big kids in each of their new rooms as well.
Happy 4th to everyone!