All About Ella

If you're not bored of hearing me talk about Ella's first day of Kindergarten yet, you just might enjoy this post.  Chances are slim, though, if you keep up with me on Facebook.  Sorry, folks.  It's been a big day.  For me, of course.  I'm not sure Ella noticed it was much of an event.

The day started with an outdoor gathering of teachers, staff, parents and kids, singing songs and rallying for the start of classes.  Ella watched wide-eyed for a bit, listened carefully to the principal's announcements, then promptly took off following her teacher into the school, holding hands with two of her girlfriends she knows from pre-K. 

You can probably guess that she didn't spare a look back at her parents, who were standing there wondering how long is too long to watch their daughter wander off into that big, giant school.  For the record, it was probably too long.  And yes, I teared up.  I'm blaming the pregnancy hormones, of course.

Before walking to the school, the proud student allowed me to take some photos with her backpack that's twice as wide as she is herself.