Our trusty MacBook Pro died last Saturday. And when I say "died," I mean in a completely and utterly useless state of being. Apple's recycling program thingie estimated it's residual value at $0.00. Thanks a bunch for that.
So, we're now the proud owners of a new MacBook Pro and, miraclously, all of our data backups and plans worked out so the new machine is humming along as though disaster never struck. PHEW.
If we jump into the way-back machine, we'll make a first stop at last Friday's Decatur Beach Par-tay.
Henry discovered sand. Ella and Michael renewed their love for the King of Pops. And we all were subjected to a crazy-loud kids' band. All-in-all, a good time.
Saturday morning, we headed to a quadruple baby shower for all of the new little souls joining the Manning clan. There's a ridiculous amount of blessings headed our way soon.
Ella watched intently as presents were opened.
Two of the moms-to-be received their handmade quilts from Grandmother M at the shower.
Meanwhile the little kids were entertaining themselves with water guns outside. Utter mayhem and fun.
Since making the jump to full-frame, I've not had a true wide-angle lens...now I do. :) It's like Christmas in June. I hope to spend some more time this weekend getting to know my new friend. Apparently, I'm not the only one drooling over it.
For Father's Day, we hit the Braves game. This photo would have been much improved if I got up and took it from 10 feet to my left, but hey, I had a cute baby in my lap. And he didn't feel like moving.
One day, Michael's going to be ticked at me for letting him run around in public with big, lady's shades on. But I don't care. It was worth it.