Ella made her Creative Movement I performance debut this week, and if we do say so ourselves, she stole the show. Coming out of her shy-shell has been a process and we're really proud of her for getting out there, let alone sticking a few good twirls in the process. Next season, we tackle Pre-Ballet. Watch out, Decatur.
Naturally, I subjected her to a quick photo op before we headed out. It was a little chilly outdoors.
So we moved it indoors, where my little goofball refused to give me a straight smile. I'm kind of glad she didn't.
At this point, we were going to be running late for the show, so we headed out - and then Michael looked up and said "my turn!" Dude. He never wants to have his picture taken. So at the risk of further annoying Wes who was waiting to leave, Michael got his turn.
Okay, now we really needed to high-tail it to the show.
Next up on my photography wish list is a nice zoom lens. Can't go to another child's performance without one, I'd say. You agree, right? Tell Wes you agree.