We survived! No one got lost, no one melted into the Orlando concrete (though we got close on one occasion), only one major freak-out by a child, and we accomplished everything on our 'must do' list. We even had time to hit the pool each afternoon and snuck in naps on all but the last day. All-in-all, a successful family vacation.
On the ride down, it was Disney Movie Central in our car to set the mood.
"Halt. I'm hydrating."
On the ferry to the Magic Kingdom; Ella was spellbound by the castle ahead.
Bippity Boppity Boutique, before the major freak-out. All was well in the salon, but Ella had no intentions of being seen all dolled up at the park for the rest of the day.
We met about 30 characters - don't worry, I'll only post a few of the highlights.
Michael REALLY needed a hug.
Michael crashed and missed most of the Akerhaus Princess Storytime lunch.
High fives from Donald.
On the safari at Animal Kingdom.
This one cracks me up. You can see the kids were really getting comfortable around all of the characters by this time.
Awaiting our turn for the Triceratop Spin in Dinoland.
Michael, dreaming of the day he's big enough to ride Splash Mountain.
Woody and Jessie were at the top of the must-see list.
Followed very closely by these two. Note to anyone going to Disney this year, plan on a good three-hour wait for the Tangled characters. Eesh!
Okay, now I need to go back and work on Easter and our trip to Texas. Oh, and I should probably be working on my Lightroom workshop assignment. Oh and I also need to go pay bills. But it's Mother's Day. Maybe I'll go nap instead.